Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Naizak Office in Dammam

Khalid Al Abdulkarim, President
(he wanted to show his cowboy
hat in the picture!)
Sami Sarhan, Director Automation Services
Basheer Al Ghazali, Account Manager

Monday, March 30, 2009

Traveling with Aamir...

Aamir Ali Arif, from Naizak, our partner in the Middle East has been travling with me since I arrived to many meetings and many dangerous drives on Jubail Highway (See Deathrace 2009 post). Here he is at the Saudi Aramco visitor center.

We laughed like crazy on "AS-SARAT" road today!
Starbucks tastes just like home! Aamir decided to drive the wrong way down a one way road with traffic to get to Starbucks!
Ever see a KFC in Saudi during a sand storm?

This is one of the few places where you can take pictures at Saudi Aramco...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009

SABIC Chemical

I managed to sneak this photo outside
SABIC Chemicals security gate. They
don't allow cameras either...

Saudi Aramco Visit

We visited with Saudi Aramco today.
Sorry no pictures of their compound as
it is not permitted. It is guarded very
much like a military base with armed
guards, military style security, gun towers
and turrets,and 2 F-15's that fly over
every couple of minutes.

Telecom and RADAR towers outside
Saudi Aramco.

(top) This road worker was standing on top of a
"Jersey barrier" inches away from traffice
going by at 70+MPH while a back hoe was
operating the bucket right next to him.
(bottom) This guy was on the back of a crane
truck picking up the concrete barriers...the truck
would move down the road while he was standing
on the back trying to guide the load down all with
high speed traffic going by inches away!
Future Darwin award winners!